Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Courage to just do it!

We want what we want when we want it. Sounds like a cliche, but it is what it is. Life is truly a gamble but its our choice to set it up for a winning hand. In life you're going to be face with the worst and face with the best; you just have to balance the two. Take the bad with the good and keep rolling and expand those dreams!

With that said, I'm 25 and been through a lot more than most. I have stories that I would love to share becuase I feel they could help someone out somewhere. I just want to heal the world with my words. Finding the right words to say even if they don't seem right feels good because they've helped someone. Even something as a simple encouragement. And I try my best to give each person their own message. It feels good to know your words matter, your stories matter, your time you took to say whatever message you give matters and to me that builds for a good writer.

I am in the process of writing a book and I'm at the point where its so personal and touchy I second guess myself. I've never been so vulnerable and some things people don't know that I've been through, but these stories could help someone. That support can really put someone's mind at ease.

At the end of the day I just want my words to do whatever little dance they are assigned too. Words are meant to create an impression and imprint the heart, mind, and soul and that's what I want my words to do! ;o)

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