Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Little Things ;o)

I've never been the one who needed the most expensive, flashy items to make me feel happy. Maybe because I did not have that growing up... I guess the saying you can't miss what you never had is true. ;o) with that said I am a firm believer it is the little things that Matter, that carry the most weight, that have the biggest merit.

Think about it: how does it feel after a long day and you are exhausted and you feel you look a mess and someone gives you a double look checking you out... Sure in your mind your initial reaction is I'm not even in the mood, but being polite you smile and take whatever complement they give if they've even  decided to get the courage to approach you. Later on when you get in the privacy of your own that complement is brought back in your mind and puts a smile on your face. Or you're waiting in line at a store and someone allows you to go ahead of them seeing you only have 3-4 items versus their 50. You smile and say thank you, that person could be in just as much of a hurry as you, but that small gesture just made your day.

Those little things we take for granted are the ones we think about unconsciously and those same little, simple things push us to start a great day or end one. For instance: A simple phone call, a greeting card just because, a note (new or old), you reading an old card you stumbled across, or even remembering a moment/memory that happened and you decide to  call that person it involves to discuss it (stating you remember that time) all these little, simple things are the most Amazing! Don't misunderstand me, Yes, big things are important, but how much more would your life be filled if you have more little things than big. The little things can fill up any crack, crease, or crevice.

Big things are Grand, but those little things they just have a way with your Heart! I know they steal mine! ;o) This little caboose will take the little over the big any day!  You can get a little out of more than what you think... God feed how many with 1 loaf bread and fish? Just think about it! ;o)

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