Friday, March 23, 2012

The Heart

Is it just me or is the heart, your heart the most difficult, over powering organ of the body. The crazy thing is Without it's beat, even if it skips one life would not exist. Your heart makes you do some crazy things, love some crazy people, feel things you thought you never could, but at the same time this heart, your heart makes you love in a way you never thought existed, gives you strength to function, and allows you to Feel.

You ever thought why is the heart so powerful and strong; Maybe the heart is so powerful because God lives there. I don't know about most, but I do know he (god) runs my ship. Sometimes I get off course, but he is the main driver and always gets me back to safety.

I guess god just wants to keep his home clean and he knows who should enter and exit; sometimes we don't always agree and he puts people in for different reasons, but if we let the heart work, if we let God work eventually the right things come in and stay in and the wrong things are out. Now, there will be some test, road blocks/barriers, even intruders to try and creep in, just  keep God on duty, have Faith in him, and dont worry he'll take care of the rest.

Your heart is protected by so much not just the outside of your body, but the inside and even around the heart (dig back into those anatomy classes) you'll be Surprised. It's kept protected for a reason so be careful with it. Although the Heart is a Beast there is Beauty inside!

Your Heart takes you through ups and downs, but through it all it's a Beautiful thing and having God be the Keeper gives it one Heck of a Beat! ;o)

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