Life can present you with the strangers things...question is do we take the risk and open the gift given or possible miss out and choose something else. Either way you pay a price you have to decide which is going to be worth it. If follow God then you can relieve your stress and let him choose for you! Decisions I hate so god do for it...I know you won't steer me wrong! Just remember...just because God is choosing for you doesn't mean it will be easy! Nothing in life us free...even god paid a price to deliver us from sin...the ultimate price! So don't feel the work is done once God has choose for you because the devil is just waiting for you to let your guard down even for a mere second. Life is not a trick you just always have to be one step ahead and don't lose sight! Know your value, have your plan, commit, and enjoy! Live, Laugh, Love it's just Life ;o)
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Living Testimony
On the 18th of April of 2012 I was in a car accident not just any car accident, but a almost lost my life situation. Remember we don't know the hour nor the day. We just know we should live on the righteous path of our savior. Now I'm not sure whom everyone follows, because it varies depending on your belief, but I know who I follow and whom I believe in.
Now hold on this is not a preaching to convert anyone over to become a believer in God, Jesus, or Christianity as a whole. This is a testimony, my testimony: Let me just go over the bases; my car swerved, skid, flipped over twice, ended up on the side of the road in a ditch. Glass shattered, and no air bags went off. Should they have, I'm not sure...see even with all that the impact still, may not have been enough.
Now me I was cautious, at least I thought I was... I had my seatbelt on, glasses, and was only approximately 5 mins from my apartment. However, the devil was busy that night; he set his landmine in place and I set it off. But what the devil didn't know and couldn't sense is my maker, my believer, my father, my master was already protecting me.
See what people don't know is I wasn't going without a fight. See if that devil wanted me that bad he was gonna have to earn this body. Now as I'm spinning I said, "oh lord! Not today". Tried to turn the car... Didn't work, I had no control; I saw myself flipping, heard that glass smash; I closed my eyes held my position in my seat tightened up my body used the steering wheel to clinch on (believe me I had a nice grip) and the devil, god, and myself had one heck of a ride. See it wasn't just the seatbelt, or all this effort I put into trying to stay alive. I called on god and I starred that devil in his face and didn't give up and said not today... Not today!
See the devil catches us slipping, now I'm gonna go church on you for a second, turn to ya neighbor or say to yourself, "see the devil catches us slipping". When faced with difficulty we give up and give in, we fold under pressure, but I knew it wasn't my time because God instilled that in me. Now one day it will be my time and I will go with open arms, but only God knows the hour and the day.
Now I'm not saying to save you next time you're in an accident do what I did, I'm saying trust in god and let him lead. Because we all know majority of the time when we have something traumatic happen we panic, especially someone like me (smile). Anyone can be alert to the road and aware of the road, but are you so focused on the road and every other little thing that you're not focused on God. Whether you like it or not no matter how safe or careful you think you are, if its your time then its your time. But god is telling us and has been that we need to focus on him and make sure he is 1st priority, because after all he is the one who's gave you all you have.
Now here's my confession after thanking god for getting me here safely and surviving this accident, getting out this trapped vehicle, and just giving him all the glory and praise; I had survivors guilt. See God had done all that; and I praised, and worshiped, and shouted his good name, but I felt bad for surviving because recently whether a few days before or after my own accident people were dying and injured critically; all from car accidents. And I couldn't understand why? Why was I here, why did I end up unharmed, no bruises, no rush to the ER, able to rest one day and have been working since. Even through all the soreness. See I couldn't wrap my head around that, and it was a hard pill for me to swallow. I thought after all that all I have is soreness, I didn't have an appetite, didn't want to drive, do my hair, work, just didnt... You get that feeling where you just don't want to do anything that's what I mean by I just didn't. It just didn't make sense to me!
However, what I didn't realize because of my mindset and because of this feeling of survivors guilt that; the devil was trying to win one over he was trying to claim victory, don't think because you made it through the storm the devil is done; let me go to church on you one more time, turn to ya neighbor or yourself and say, "the devil isn't done". The devil is always trying to be one up on God, but see God doesn't sleep, he doesn't miss a beat; when you turning over and fast alseep snoring in your bed, who do you think is watching over you. That devil don't have no mercy, he'll get you whether you sleep or wide awake. It's all the same to him.
So i'll use one of my dads favorite lines, "what I'm saying is, once the storm is over and you feel victory is won; the devil is still plotting because he will not rest knowing God won. See the devils issue isn't with you, its with god; the devil is trying to get god, be god, and whomever follows in his path is in the line of fire; now its been a minute since I fought, but its like riding a bike, once you get back on it all comes back to ya, only this time I'm fighting a mental and spiritual battle; and fighting for my father is one battle I will fight in.
See life is a constant battle, religion is a constant battle, and if you are serious about your faith you fight for it. Not physically, but you make sure you give the glory, give thanks, don't be afraid to shout, praise him, speak his name. Give god, your believer his praise. After all its because of him you can stand to share your testimony.
If you feel like you have no control over yourself and you're starting to slip into a rut reach out to friends, family, god, a confidant and ask them to help you. Voice your concerns and even if you know you shouldn't feel this way, you are not alone, their is someone, somewhere out their that can help you, help yourself. Don't let defeat creep in stay on your guard and rebuke any evil that tries to slide in like a snake.
Let go and let god in control and know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me... Just Believe ;o)
Live, Laugh, Love Life...
Friday, March 23, 2012
The Heart
Is it just me or is the heart, your heart the most difficult, over powering organ of the body. The crazy thing is Without it's beat, even if it skips one life would not exist. Your heart makes you do some crazy things, love some crazy people, feel things you thought you never could, but at the same time this heart, your heart makes you love in a way you never thought existed, gives you strength to function, and allows you to Feel.
You ever thought why is the heart so powerful and strong; Maybe the heart is so powerful because God lives there. I don't know about most, but I do know he (god) runs my ship. Sometimes I get off course, but he is the main driver and always gets me back to safety.
I guess god just wants to keep his home clean and he knows who should enter and exit; sometimes we don't always agree and he puts people in for different reasons, but if we let the heart work, if we let God work eventually the right things come in and stay in and the wrong things are out. Now, there will be some test, road blocks/barriers, even intruders to try and creep in, just keep God on duty, have Faith in him, and dont worry he'll take care of the rest.
Your heart is protected by so much not just the outside of your body, but the inside and even around the heart (dig back into those anatomy classes) you'll be Surprised. It's kept protected for a reason so be careful with it. Although the Heart is a Beast there is Beauty inside!
Your Heart takes you through ups and downs, but through it all it's a Beautiful thing and having God be the Keeper gives it one Heck of a Beat! ;o)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Little Things ;o)
I've never been the one who needed the most expensive, flashy items to make me feel happy. Maybe because I did not have that growing up... I guess the saying you can't miss what you never had is true. ;o) with that said I am a firm believer it is the little things that Matter, that carry the most weight, that have the biggest merit.
Think about it: how does it feel after a long day and you are exhausted and you feel you look a mess and someone gives you a double look checking you out... Sure in your mind your initial reaction is I'm not even in the mood, but being polite you smile and take whatever complement they give if they've even decided to get the courage to approach you. Later on when you get in the privacy of your own that complement is brought back in your mind and puts a smile on your face. Or you're waiting in line at a store and someone allows you to go ahead of them seeing you only have 3-4 items versus their 50. You smile and say thank you, that person could be in just as much of a hurry as you, but that small gesture just made your day.
Those little things we take for granted are the ones we think about unconsciously and those same little, simple things push us to start a great day or end one. For instance: A simple phone call, a greeting card just because, a note (new or old), you reading an old card you stumbled across, or even remembering a moment/memory that happened and you decide to call that person it involves to discuss it (stating you remember that time) all these little, simple things are the most Amazing! Don't misunderstand me, Yes, big things are important, but how much more would your life be filled if you have more little things than big. The little things can fill up any crack, crease, or crevice.
Big things are Grand, but those little things they just have a way with your Heart! I know they steal mine! ;o) This little caboose will take the little over the big any day! You can get a little out of more than what you think... God feed how many with 1 loaf bread and fish? Just think about it! ;o)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
The Courage to just do it!
We want what we want when we want it. Sounds like a cliche, but it is what it is. Life is truly a gamble but its our choice to set it up for a winning hand. In life you're going to be face with the worst and face with the best; you just have to balance the two. Take the bad with the good and keep rolling and expand those dreams!
With that said, I'm 25 and been through a lot more than most. I have stories that I would love to share becuase I feel they could help someone out somewhere. I just want to heal the world with my words. Finding the right words to say even if they don't seem right feels good because they've helped someone. Even something as a simple encouragement. And I try my best to give each person their own message. It feels good to know your words matter, your stories matter, your time you took to say whatever message you give matters and to me that builds for a good writer.
I am in the process of writing a book and I'm at the point where its so personal and touchy I second guess myself. I've never been so vulnerable and some things people don't know that I've been through, but these stories could help someone. That support can really put someone's mind at ease.
At the end of the day I just want my words to do whatever little dance they are assigned too. Words are meant to create an impression and imprint the heart, mind, and soul and that's what I want my words to do! ;o)